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ISLAMICOIN is a now available on DEX DoDo for trade

Aslam Alaykum Dear ISLAMICOIN communityThank you deep from my heart for your continued support and trust that you have given…

ISLAMIwallet featured in one of the leading financial and cryptocurrency news platforms:

ISLAMIwallet, the all new, all secure Halal only crypto wallet for #ISLAMICOIN and other #Sharia compliant cryptocurrencies. To download ISLAMIwallet…

NFTs and Cryptocurrencies are both based on Blockchain; however, they can be different in many ways. Follow us for more…

For the first time, a live conversation about the upcoming release of ISLAMIwallet, took place between the founder of ISLAMICOIN,…

Tonight 10 PM Mecca time!Days before the launch of ISLAMIwalletJoin ISLAMICOIN founder in a live audio chat!What are the special…

One of the most prominent Arab newspapers Annahar, sheds light on ISLAMICOIN founder Jaafar Krayem and the projects, describing it…

Click on the link to follow for free the exclusive interview with Cryptohalal director and ISLAMICOIN founder…-and-cryptohalal/  Or download…