Assalam Alaykum
We present to you a summary of the financials of ISLAMICOIN before the official listing on 31/3/2022 for all investors and ISLAMICOIN holders to stay well informed . This information is especially important for those who are interested in the long – term success and direction of ISLAMICOIN and its many projects while reaping the most promising results . We thank you for your support and we will continue to be transparent with all aspects of our projects and decisions . Total Sales $ 183,661 Total Expenses $ 44,021 Remaining $ 139,640 **
Note : The expenses include the advertising campaign , the audio – visual material produced and published on all social media platforms , establishing the company in the USA , Sharia Compliance website and ISLAMedia platform , technical equipment . Report , as well as financial auditing reports , listing on CoinTiger , development of the ISLAMICOIN “
Asset Valuation for ISLAMICOIN projects Partnership between ISLAMICOIN and four companies $ 1,030,000 Company assets and equipment- $ 13,650 Assets of ISLAMwallet project $ 20,000 Initial assets of ISLAMigame project- $ 15,750 Initial assets of ISLAMall project- $ 22,500 Total Assets Value = $ 1,101,900 Total Assets with available funds until 30/3/2022 $ 1,101,900 $ 139,640- $ 1,241,540
Note : The partnership agreement between ISLAMICOIN and the production companies stipulates that the profits of the project are divided equally between the two parties . ISLAMICOIN necessary . will use these profits to complete the rest of the projects and to support ISLAMICOIN rate if ”
Coin Tiger Liquidity: Brothers and sisters , holders of ISLAMICOIN , the team will use about 60 % of the available amount to support liquidity on CoinTiger , and the rest will be used along with what we collect ISLAMwallet and the remaining projects from additional sales , for listing on an additional platform